Earn up to RM1,500 cash reward when you successfully refer your friends and loved ones to finance their property with UOB Mortgage Loan/Financing today. The more you refer, the more you could earn with each successful referral.
Form Title
Introduce and be rewarded when you successfully refer your friends and loved ones to finance their property with us.
Yes, I would like to refer the following friend and loved one for a UOB Mortgage Loan / Financing. Please contact him/her.
My Referral
My Personal Details
I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:
a) accept, confirm and agree:
b) confirm that all the information which are set out in this Form are all true, correct and complete;
c) confirm, represent and warrant that I have obtained consent from my friend or loved one named in this Form ("Introducee"):
d) agree and consent and authorize UOB Malaysia to use, collect and disclose any of my personal information as listed in 'My Referral' and 'My Personal Details' section above for the purposes of the Programme and/or UOB Mortgage Loan/Financing and/or informing the lntroducee that I have referred him/her to UOB Malaysia for UOB Mortgage Loan/Financing;
e) confirm that I have informed the lntroducee of the Terms and Conditions and the fact a reward may be given to me in connection with this referral if I am eligible to receive the reward.
f) unconditionally undertakes:
g) hereby confirm that the lntroducee and I have access to and have read the latest version of UOB's Privacy Notice (accessible at UOB branches and website. I/We understand that the Privacy Notice (as may be amended from time to time) form a part of the terms and conditions governing our relationship with UOB Malaysia and agree to be bound by the same. I/We further understood and agreed to provide a copy of the Privacy Notice issued by the Bank as may relate to the processing of any Personal Data, to individuals whose Personal Data I/we provide to the Bank.
*Required fields.
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